For such a tiny little thing
it holds a lot of power
Keeping many steeped in fear
for hour after hour
Confinement has companions
we would rather do without
Whose quiet stealthy underminings
fill us up with doubt
What-ifs and speculations,
the whisperings of doom
Minds so very restless
keep us chained with ghosts of gloom
How can we stand against them,
these falsifying fools
Who shake our great foundation
with their cruel destructive tools
How can we change our thinking
from believing what is not
From thinking what is “sure to come”
is Satan’s evil plot
Can our imaginations
become friendly once again
Or are we stuck in “run amok”
which has a bitter end
For those of us with knowledge
of the one who holds the earth
Who own an inner peace
because we have a second birth
We need to keep our minds set firm
with truth from He who reigns
From Him who gives us peace within
when we are under strain
A calming peace which those without
won’t fully comprehend
But looking on may ask about
if we don’t faint, but stand
If we will praise and walk with grace
we’ll scatter seeds of hope
We’ll calm the hearts of those around
by casting them a rope
Of rest and peace and sanity,
the truest “all is well”
Because a Savior lives and loves
and in Him we can dwell
He alone is peace and joy,
on him we all can lean
So rest on Him, press in close,
and in HIM quarantine.
Lori Visser
Unpublished work © 2020